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Ah, Curse of Naxxaramas. Hearthstone's first expansion (well, technically, its first adventure). With Naxxramas, we'll do things slightly differently. Because it is an adventure, it naturally has more story content within the adventure itself, so we'll talk first about the adventure itself (based on a raid in World of Warcraft), then we'll talk about the boss encounters in the adventure -- several of which are also legendary cards -- and then continue talking about the rest of the cards. Hopefully I can be less wordier about this!

There are actually two versions of the Naxxramas raid in World of Warcraft. The original Naxxramas was the most difficult raid prior to the first WoW expansion, Burning Crusade. During WoW's second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, Naxxramas was revamped, and moved from its original position above Eastern Plaguelands to Northrend. While Curse of Naxxramas is largely based upon the raid's second incarnation, there are several aspects it borrows from the first as well.

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Lore wise, Naxxramas is a mighty Necropolis, which, in Warcraft III, was the main 'town hall' of the undead forces where acolytes would be trained, and all the resources that the faction gathered would be teleported to. Necropolises of the undead Scourge would hover above the ground, spewing its unholy magic upon the land around it. The mighty lich Kel'thuzad would use Naxxramas as his base of operations during World of Warcraft, after the Death Knight (and future Lich King) Arthas left him in charge of Scourge operations in Lordaeron. Naxxramas would be a bastion of the Scourge's strength where adventurers would attack to attempt to stop the invasion of Scourge upon the Plaguelands, and a band of paladins led by Darion Morgraine once assaulted the mighty necropolis in a failed attempt to free his undead father Alexandros from being an undead thrall. In WoTLK, Naxxramas moved towards the Dragonblight in Northrend using Naxxramas as a staging ground to besiege the Alliance fortress Wintergarde Keep. (Presumably the bosses within are just reanimated once more prior to Naxxramas' movement. Undead beings tend to do that.)

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In both incarnations, as is represented in the Hearthstone adventure, Naxxramas has four quarters or wings -- one filled with spiders (Arachnid Quarters), one filled with filled with necromancers perfecting the plague (Plague Quarters), one filled with abominations and other sort of flesh golems (Construct Quarter) and one filled with training the death knights (Military Quarter) before Kel'Thuzad's central chambers would open.

The final boss (and narrator) of Naxxramas is the arch-lich Kel'Thuzad, a being that is instrumental in the rise of the Scourge and its greatest champion and subsequent leader, Arthas Menethil. Kel'Thuzad began much of his life as a particularly talented human mage, a member of the Council of Six -- the mages that ruled over the magic city of Dalaran. However, Kel'Thuzad's power-hungriness and love for the forbidden art of necromancy caused him to be susceptible to the call of the Lich King. At this point, Kel'Thuzad's experiments in necromancy caused the archmages of Dalaran, particularly Antonidas, to banish Kel'Thuzad. Undeterred, Kel'Thuzad would sell his significant properties and venture to the icy wastes of Northrend in the hopes of searching the source of the mysterious voice in his head. Seeing the power that the Lich King commanded, Kel'Thuzad was frightened and enraptured at the same time, but the undead forces of the Scourge did not permit him to leave. Kel'Thuzad would journey to the Frozen Throne and meet the great Lich King himself, and would swear eternal loyalty in exchange for immortality, power and knowledge.

Still human, Kel'Thuzad would return to Lordaeron and use his charisma to found the Cult of the Damned, creating a cult that worshipped the Lich King, lulling them with promises of eternal life in undeath. In Warcraft III, Kel'Thuzad would mastermind the first part of the Lich King's invasion, by placing a plague within the grain distributed to Lordaeron's villages, killing many villagers and raising them ass undead. While Kel'Thuzad was careful to target smaller farmlands and villages, soon word of the undead plague reached the Order of the Silver Hand and the mages of Dalaran, where they sent envoys -- Arthas Menethil and Jaina Proudmoore -- to investigate the town of Brill. Kel'Thuzad would elude the pair for a while, but was eventually hounded down by Arthras, who struck him down with his hammer. With his dying breath, Kel'Thuzad calmly told Arthas that they are not finished just yet.

Hearthstone: Curse Of Naxxramas - Body Art Instructor Razuvious 10 Mango

A Hunter's Guide To Naxxramas Bosses: Construct Wing

That would be true, and we'll cover Arthas's entire journey several expansions down the line with Knights of the Frozen Throne, but Arthas would return as a champion of the Scourge, mightiest of the Scourge's Death Knights. Kel'Thuzad's ghost would appear to Arthas and advise him throughout the journey, and Arthas would collect Kel'Thuzad's ashes, and later use the power of the high elven Sunwell (after, y'know, killing the entire high elven people because that's how the Scourge rolls) to revive Kel'Thuzad, not just as any undead, but a powerful Lich -- one of the mightiest kinds of undead. They are skeletal beings that commanded absolute power over frost and death. One of the four types of heroes available to the undead race in Warcraft III, Liches are able to unleash Frost Novas, power themselves with Frost Armour, sacrifice an ally with Dark Ritual to power up the Lich, and destroy even the land itself with Death and Decay. With these powers at his bony fingertips, Kel'Thuzad would continue being Arthas's faithful ally, telling Arthas that their dreadlord allies -- servants of the Burning Legion -- were not true friends of the undead Scourge. Kel'Thuzad would oversee the summoning the mighty eredar lord Archimonde into Azeroth, who then, as Kel'Thuzad predicted, proceed to ignore the undead Scourge and put his lackey Tichondrius in charge of the Scourge. Thus ignored by the Burning Legion, Kel'Thuzad and Arthas would escape amidst the confusion, enacting the Lich King's master plan, pitting the demon hunter Illidan against Tichondrius, then watching as the forces of the living in Kalimdor defeated Archimonde.

In Warcraft III: The Frozen ThroneKel'Thuzad and Arthas would return to the Eastern Kingdoms, and continue their reign of terror over Lordaeron. Kel"Thuzad would assist Arthas in purging all the living humans and the remnants of the paladins from Lordaeron, but the betrayal of several dreadlords, as well as a significant chunk of the undead becoming independent minded, caused Arthas to nearly be killed by Sylvanas Windrunner if Kel'Thuzad had not intervened. Kel'Thuzad would remain in Lordaeron to ensure that the Scourge still has a foothold there while Arthas went to Northrend, and eventually became the new Lich King. Between Warcraft III and World of Warcraft, Kel'Thuzad would enter the mighty necropolis Naxxramas, from where he would rule over the Plaguelands.

Blackjack Rants: Lore Of Hearthstone, Episode #7: Curse Of Naxxramas - Body Art Instructor Razuvious 10 Mango

Kel'Thuzad would be responsible for the corruption of the Mograine family, transforming the once-noble Alexandros Mograine into a Death Knight and corrupting the holy weapon Ashbringer, and upon Alexandros's purification, transformed his son Darion into a death knight in his stead. Throughout World of Warcraft, the combined forces of the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade would weaken Naxxramas enough to open it to attack by Alliance and Horde forces, and Naxxramas would be the final dungeon to be released before the expansion Burning Crusade. Adventurers would return with Kel'Thuzad's phylactery -- a magical items that liches possess which store their soul -- to the Argent Dawn. Instead, the adventurer was manipulated into giving it to Father Inigo Montoy, who absconded with the phylactery, allowing for Kel'Thuzad's return in Wrath of the Lich King. Revived and able to regain his form, Kel'Thuzad would summon Naxxramas to Northrend, and would reward Inigo Montoy by transforming him into a Lich called Thel'Zan. However, adventurers would once more lay siege to Naxxramas, defeating Kel'Thuzad and his minions once more.

Hearthstone: Curse Of Naxxramas

In addition to his collectible card and his role in the adventure mode, Kel'Thuzad would also show up as an alternate hero skin, and as "Headmaster Kel'Thuzad" in the Scholomance Academy expansion.

Hearthstone: The Curse Of Naxxramas Review Part 3 - Body Art Instructor Razuvious 10 Mango

Note that Kel'Thuzad's minion card's quotes, as well as that of Feugen, Stalagg, Thaddius, Rivendare and Loatheb, are taken verbatim from the Naxxramas raid in WoW.

The Scourge's first wars happened in Northrend, where the first Lich King, Ner'zhul, exerted his force of will over the native Nerubians, a race of spider-people. The Nerubians would be largely wiped out and transformed into undead crypt fiends (see below), but the mighty spider lords of the Nerubian race, characterized by their more beetle-esque appearance, were instead transformed into more powerful Crypt Lords. Crypt Lords made their first appearance in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, mightiest among them the Traitor King Anub'arak. Crypt Lords are able to Impale enemies by slamming their claws onto the ground and transforming the terrain before them, have a spiked carapace that deflects attacks, summon Carrion Beetles from corpses, and as their ultimate ability unleash a Locust Swarm that damages all around the Crypt Lord and restore health to him. Anub'Rekhan in World of Warcraft doesn't have much lore to

Meet The Tattoo Artists Changing San Antonio — One Body At A Time - Body Art Instructor Razuvious 10 Mango

How To Get Val'anyr, Hammer Of Ancient Kings

In addition to his collectible card and his role in the adventure mode, Kel'Thuzad would also show up as an alternate hero skin, and as "Headmaster Kel'Thuzad" in the Scholomance Academy expansion.

Hearthstone: The Curse Of Naxxramas Review Part 3 - Body Art Instructor Razuvious 10 Mango

Note that Kel'Thuzad's minion card's quotes, as well as that of Feugen, Stalagg, Thaddius, Rivendare and Loatheb, are taken verbatim from the Naxxramas raid in WoW.

The Scourge's first wars happened in Northrend, where the first Lich King, Ner'zhul, exerted his force of will over the native Nerubians, a race of spider-people. The Nerubians would be largely wiped out and transformed into undead crypt fiends (see below), but the mighty spider lords of the Nerubian race, characterized by their more beetle-esque appearance, were instead transformed into more powerful Crypt Lords. Crypt Lords made their first appearance in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, mightiest among them the Traitor King Anub'arak. Crypt Lords are able to Impale enemies by slamming their claws onto the ground and transforming the terrain before them, have a spiked carapace that deflects attacks, summon Carrion Beetles from corpses, and as their ultimate ability unleash a Locust Swarm that damages all around the Crypt Lord and restore health to him. Anub'Rekhan in World of Warcraft doesn't have much lore to

Meet The Tattoo Artists Changing San Antonio — One Body At A Time - Body Art Instructor Razuvious 10 Mango

How To Get Val'anyr, Hammer Of Ancient Kings


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